Clabber Culture Recipe



Clabber is raw milk that has been left to sit out at room temperature until it thickens. Once thick, clabber is like a sourdough starter: shake a bit of clabber into a new jar of milk, wait a day or two until it thickens, and then repeat to infinity and beyond.

For the regular home cook, clabber is like buttermilk: use it in baking or salad dressings or smoothies, or drink it straight. For cheesemaking, clabber is pure magic. A one-size-fits-all culture for cheesemaking, clabber can be used to culture any cheese — mesophilic and thermophilic — removing entirely the need for freeze-dried cultures which means that each cheese is completely unique to the cheesemaker’s location and cows. In other words, cheese cultured with clabber is ALL about the terroir.


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