Showing 21–25 of 25 results

  • Red Leicester Recipe


    Red Leicester, a British cheese similar to cheddar, gets its bright orange color from an ungodly amount of annatto. Typically, Red Leicester is aged for 6 months or longer, but I tasted this one at 3 months. While it had aged perfectly well in a vacuum-sealed bag, if you have a press that’s strong enough…

  • Saturated Salt Brine Recipe


    One gallon of saturated brine, tended properly, can be used to brine countless cheeses.

  • Sour Cream Recipe


    Making sour cream does not have to be complicated! This method requires no fancy freeze-dried cultures AND it lasts for weeks and weeks in the fridge.

  • Sweet Rocklyn Recipe


    This creamy, semi-soft, natural-rind cheese is a Milkslinger Special, developed to showcase fresh milk and natural cultures. Aged for just two months, it is sweet, mild, and creamy, an all-around excellent cheese for any purpose: melting, snacking, cooking, and sandwiches. Once cut into wedges and vacuum packed, the rind may develop a pinkish hue and a wonderful funkiness similar to that of a Raclette cheese. The name Sweet Rocklyn is a nod to the Milkslinger location: Rockingham County (Rock) and Linville Township (lyn). And why the “sweet”? Well, because, it is!

  • Whey Ricotta Recipe


    This recipe is a simple and frugal way to use up leftover sweet whey from making cheese.