Inspiration For Aging Well

Inspiration For Aging Well

The Biegel Family The Biegels live in Canada where they raise goats and make an enormous amount of cheese. I’ve watched all their cheese videos, and I’ve learned so much from observing their methods. For example, they freeze their Bries for long-term storage, and they pack the cheeses that are aging in ordinary towels — two things…

Aging: How I Do It

Aging: How I Do It

I think the aging conditions are perhaps the most confusing part of cheesemaking, mostly because the variables are endless, the options open-ended, and the components (potentially) expensive. Figuring out what do to, and where and how, can feel wildly daunting. Air drying the cheeses I made last week: Asiago, Colby, Lancashire, and Red Pepper Gouda….

My Cheese Group

My Cheese Group

When I first started making cheese three years ago, I longed for a “grandma” – someone who intuitively understood cheesemaking and who had a kitchen stool I could perch on. I never found that grandma, but when I mentioned my fantasy to a friend, she said she had a co-worker who sometimes made cheese. Maybe he…

No More Camembert?

No More Camembert?

“Did you hear the NPR report about Camembert?” my younger son said. “The mold that’s used to make it is going extinct.” “Oh, really?” I said, barely listening since the kid likes to frequently regale me with accounts of what he hears on the news, as well as the plots of various TV series, books,…