Seriously Pressed

Seriously Pressed

A few weeks ago, YouTube follwer Robert Samuelson sent me a handmade light-weight Dutch press. If you like it, great, he said, and if not, pass it on to someone else. Well, let me tell you, this cheese press isn’t going anywhere. This slender beauty has super pressure power (check out this video he did to test just how much weight the press could…

The Butter Battle

The Butter Battle

Making butter is a real chore. Hand cranking is for the birds, and a blender is slow going (the blender turns cream into butter in 5 minutes or less, but it requires constant tending, multiple batches, and is brutally loud), so for a couple years now, I’ve been pestering my husband to fashion me a…

Printable Recipes Are Here!

Printable Recipes Are Here!

It’s been months in the making but finally, FINALLY, I have written recipes available for download! I made (with my brother’s help) a little store over on the Milkslinger website. It’s super basic, but for now it’s a start. Consider this a soft launch. Q&A So, Jennifer. Why the printed recipes?Videos are fabulous for teaching a…

Coffee On My Ceiling

Coffee On My Ceiling

Two days ago there was a little mishap in my kitchen involving some coffee and my new carbonator machine. The whole situation was messy, complicated, and just a wee bit rage-inducing (if you want to read more about it, you can head over to my blog), but the point here is that the cheese that I was pressing…

Death of a Cheezer

Death of a Cheezer

A number of weeks ago, I noticed that the metal coils in the cheezer shelf were no longer dripping condensation from the repeated cooling and thawing. My husband suspected the element had quit working, but since the temperature was staying relatively steady at 55 degrees, we pretended there wasn’t a problem. But then last week…